Landon got a balloon at the grocery store today. He fell asleep in the car on the way home and had the tightest grip the balloon! I carried him into the house, laid him down, and he slept like this for about 2 hours! He didn't move an inch and kept that tight grip the whole time! So cute!
Oh my gosh! She is getting so big, so fast!!! She is constantly trying to sit up! The other night I tried putting her in her little bouncer, but she was refusing to sit back, so we put her in the highchair and she loved it! She did really well and got a whole new view of dinner! She is just so cute and getting so smart and strong!

Us on our 5 year anniversary!!!
This is a replica of our wedding cake! It was part of Chris' anniversary gift from me. I also had his wedding ring engraved with one of our favorite ways we say I love you to each other! He was very surprised and VERY HAPPY to see his ring! He thought he lost it and was feeling bad, but really I stole it off his finger in the middle of the night! I was so happy that I pulled one over on him!!! He got me a diamond band to go with my ring! I love it!!! It is so pretty and just the right enhancement I was looking for for my wedding ring! We got to go to dinner and a movie ALL ALONE!!!!! It was so nice, Avie did so well, but of course I missed my babies!
Your little family is so cute! You're right about your dad, he never gets in the pool. I remember your mom doing it once with me and Mel when Kim was just a baby. Even that was unusual, which is probably why I remember it so well. Pool or no pool, your parents have always loved you so much and have been great role models! You're blessed in so many ways!
to cute i love the pics! and dad got in the water i love him! cant wait to see u guys in a few weeks!
So fun!! You're kids are getting soo big and they are adorable! That is too funny that your dad got in the pool with Landon, I be he loved that!!
umm i need to see the ring brother got you asap!
I can't believe Landon made it through the parking lot with the balloon. My kids loose it or pop it within the first couple minutes. I can't stand leaving Red Robin for that reason. Way to go Landon!!! I love the pic of your dad in the pool. Grandparents do things for their grandbabies that they would never do as parents.
The kids are getting so big!!! They are so darn cute!!!! What a great grandpa!!!
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