My mom and my sister Melanie got to go to a Michael Bolton concert last night! We grew up loving him and his music! We always cleaned the house to all his amazing songs! Come on, lets be honest, who doesn't love a little Michael! They got the VIP treatment. They got to go and meet and talk with him in his dressing room and got 7th row seats smack dab in the middle! Lucky girls! They said he is really short, only 5'5, but good looking and very nice! 
Standing as A Witness
5 years ago
Time, Love & Tenderness baby! That is so fun for Mom & Mel
OH MY GOSHHH!!! I love HIM. I still have a crush on him after all these year. He is a babe! I love that you got to meet him. HOW FUN!! Your not so bad yourself either... hehe
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