Chris was recently sworn in as a Deputy trainee. I personally think he stood out in the room and know he will do so well in his class! There will be 42 people in his academy class and he starts this Monday, the 14th! We are very excited, nervous about the unknown, and busy getting all his things ready! Lots to buy!!! Wish him luck!!!

You can't really see him, only his hand! But he's behind the guy with glasses and darker skin!

Yea for brother! hes going to do great! I wish i was at home to help you out with the kids!
BIL # 1 you're amazing! We love you & are praying for you!
ok so what's going on??? is everyone changing jobs there?? and brad is going back to his old one, what the heck. how are things? chris, josh and mike are all doin' new things, good for them, as long as they are doing what they, awesome!! you guys look so cute in all your pics- you always do!! talk to you later-Kens
ok i forgot the word "love", please insert in when reading the last comment ;)
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