And a bracelet from Tiffany's!!!! I LOVE Tiffany's!
I think for once in our marriage I surprised my husband on Christmas! I got him an ipod and he loves it and had absolutely no idea what it was!
Chris got me this awesome jewelery box that I wanted and yummy perfume! 

Look what Santa brought us!!! Avie got a walker/stroller and a baby doll! Landon got a soccer ball and 2 remote control monster trucks! Very cool and they were very excited! Even Avie, she loves her stroller!!!

Christmas Eve. We had our big annual dinner and it was GOOD!!!! Every ones dishes were so good and went together so well! It was so nice to visit with everyone! I did miss my sisters though. None of them were home this year. Landon got spoiled on Christmas Eve! It was like Christmas morning! Thanks for all the awesome gifts for the kids everyone!!!!
It look like everyone had such a fun time! I am so sad i missed it. Dinner looked AMAZING as usual. And can i just say that Landon and Avie looked so handsome and adorable! I love and miss you all!!!
I feel like I just had Christmas with you:) It looks like you all had a great Christmas!! Landon and Avie look so dang cute in those pics!!!
hurry and update!
Hi, you probably don't know who I am, but your husband Chris does. I'm his cousin, Janus. His dad, my Uncle Ryan and my dad, J. Golden Ward are brothers. Mindy, Chris' sis, I found on facebook and she pointed me in the direction of her blog and WOW I found my cousin and his cute family. I think the last time all the Ward were together, well at least for me was at Grandma Ward (Emma Ward) funeral. Where are you guys living now? I live in Rochester, Minnesota with my husband, Grant and 7 1/2 year old daughter, Alexis. We love it here except for the fact that we literally FREEZE every winter with the sub-zero weather. Anyway, please tell Chris hello and if y'all are interested, you can check out our blog. It's
Hope to hear from you soon--
Janus Ward Wheeler
PS. Tell Chris that I'm lovin' his PJ's. LOL!!
PSS JAG means...Janus Alexis Grant
Oh Its new year now.
BPO work from home
Holy Shamoley! I missed your birthday :( It wasn't intentional, and I hope you had a fabulous day. I remember when you were born- how excited I was. I loved, loved, loved my "little sisters". Did you know that Greg proposed to me on Feb. 1, 1992? Love and miss you...
Where are you guys?--we miss hearing what's going on. Is Chris liking his new job? We found all of Jay Golden's kids'blogs---hope we hear from you soon.
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