So I am being a little pesamistic in his post, title! Don't get me wrong, the snow is beautiful, but not on this day for me! See my wonderful, hard working Hubby is finally done with the Sheriff Academy!!!! Yeah!!! So I was supposed to be at a very nice graduation dinner tonight for my husband. It was a BIG DEAL!!! But as my luck would have it Every main road and freeway in Southern California has been closed ALL DAY because of the snow. It's not just a little snow, it's A LOT OF SNOW! I have been crying and stressed all day. I have gone through this whole process with Chris, side by side, for the past 6 months. I have really been looking forward to this and I didn't get to go! Plus Chris' family has been traveling all day from Idaho to be here for his graduation tomorrow and they are stuck until at least 10am tomorrow! The roads are closed there too. All I can say is thank Heavens it is supposed to be clear tomorrow. I WILL NOT miss his graduation for any reason!
So this first picture is of me in the beautiful snow with a sad face! I did have a little fun today though! I went and shopped at Target and spent a little too much because of stress! OOPs!!! Then the SWEET and FUN Reichmanns showed up at our front door on their quads to cheer me up! So I went out and had fun all over Apple Valley in the snow filled streets for about an hour and a half!!!! It was a TON of fun!!! Thanks guys for thinking of me and cheering me up! I LOVE you guys!!!!
All in all it is beatiful and the kids both LOVED it! Are they just not the CuTeSt! Chris and I are finally done with Academy!!!! Whooo HOOO!!!!! But my hubby will still not be home tonight, the 2nd time this week. He is stuck down the hill. But I am so grateful for everything I have and for the fact that my AwEsOmE hUsBaNd is an official Deputy Sheriff!!!!!

I couldn't even get the Yukon up the driveway all the way! It is just barely out of the street!

Me and Chels
Stef, im so sorry that the snow kept you from going down the hill, but just know that chris loves you even though you couldnt make it tonight, and how exciting it will be to see him tomorrow on his graduation!!!! YOU GO BROTHER!!!! oh and Stef you look way hot, im loving the dark hair and your hat is super cute! And as for the kids well they are the cutest kids ever! it looks like you all have been having fun, and im jealous that you got to go quading! well i cant wait to hear all about tomorrow! I LOVE you guys!And miss you soooo much!
Congratulations to both of you!!! I'm so excited for you guys!!! I'm sorry you didn't get to go and be with Chris. You did look really cute with your kiddos though! :)
I'm with you, I HATE snow also! We're going to Utah after christmas, and I'm SO dreading that part!!! And, I didnt know it could snow like that in Apple Valley!
Okay, that sucks. You arranged your whole life for Thursday. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. I'm making sad faces for your benefit.
On the other hand, the kids are adorable little snow angels and Chris is officially a deputy sheriff! Congratulations!
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