Our Cutie pie! Always so sweet and happy!
Landon picked to go on this tea cup type of ride. Chris was originally going to ride it with him and I was going to sit back and kick it with Avie! Yeah, before the ride even started Chris was getting sick! What!!! So I jumped on with Landon and we had a good time! Chris was happy just hanging back and watching us! I have to admit I got a little queasy once or twice after we had been spinning for about 5 minutes! Landon had tons of fun though!

We got to take turns going down the big slide with Landon!!!! It was so much fun! I could have gone down it 100 times! It might have to be something at a birthday party someday! Landon also did the bounce house, but wouldn't stay in to long cause he was ready to go back to the slide! His face was priceless when he would go down all by himself! It looked like he was making a snow angel and he had the biggest smile ever on his cute little face!!!! What more can you ask for as a parent!

Landon LOVED all the animals! He has no fear of them. At one point he was chasing all of them around and they were going NUTS!!! He though it was so funny and Chris and I got a good laugh out of it! I'm not so sure the workers were happy with us though! Oh well!!!

This was early in the morning before we went. Landon and Avie went outside and helped Daddy and Poppi fix a tree! I was lucky and got to sleep in for a little! Doesn't she look so sweet!

Avie eating a bitter bisquit for the 1st time! She loved it and was a huge mess afterwards!!!! She is also working on her first 2 bottom teeth right now! So cute to see them coming in, but she has really been in pain and not sleeping well at night!
Avie eating a bitter bisquit for the 1st time! She loved it and was a huge mess afterwards!!!! She is also working on her first 2 bottom teeth right now! So cute to see them coming in, but she has really been in pain and not sleeping well at night!
Your kids are so cute!!! It looks like you guys had so much fun!! I can't wait to take our kids to the pumpkin patch. I get to go with Hannah on her field trip tomorrow to the pumpkin patch. Yeah!! P.S. Cute background:)
Looks like a fun fun, totally fun day!!! Love all the pics! Totally looks like a pumpkin patch of all pumpkin patches!
Im so jealous that i missed going with you guys this year, last year was so fun! I love Avies beanie its to cute! love you guys! xoxo
What a fun day!!! I keep telling Bryan that he needs to take me on a date to the pumpkin patch. Your kiddos are sooo adorable!!! I love Avies smile, its so sweet.
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