I have the best husband in the world! He is the love of my life and I don't know what I would do without him! He always can put a smile on my face and always makes me feel so wonderful! I am so lucky to have found him and to have him as my hubby! My favorite part of the day is when he comes home!!! Thanks for all you do for our family babe! We love you tons!!! 
Standing as A Witness
5 years ago
i LOVE these pics i need copies asap! the family one is to cute! love u guys!
we checked out your blog today--so cute!! we missed you at the wayman reunion--loads of fun!!
melissa and girls--who want avenlie right now
How sweet and what beautiful pictures!!! It looks like Landon had a blast on his road trip!!! I know Aunt Kim was sure excited!! wink!!! I hope all is well! BIG HUGS!
They did such an awesome job with these photos! It helps when you're working with a cute family. I'll hopefully build up the courage to attempt family pictures soon. Picure day is always a dreaded thing in the Manning household. There always has to be one grumpy kid (or parent for that matter).
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