How can a child be so cute, yet drive you to almost an absolute meltdown?! I love my little Landon so much, but tonight was really, really difficult! Chris was home all day with us, yeah! Him and Landon got to spend some quality time together doing "boy stuff" while I worked! It was great and then we ran some errands as a family! Well Landon never took a nap and was playing and running around all day! Beautiful day today! I thought sweet, bed time should go smooth, cause he was gonna be really tired! Chris left for work and we made dinner. Around 8 I decided it was time for Landon to go to bed, so we started the process. Not an easy one with him lately either! He has been going through so many changes and I think this is one he feels he can control! Well it went really bad tonight! I was exhausted and there was no end in sight, so my dad took over(tried)! Well that didn't work either and things just got worse! You would have thought the devil was inside of him, he was CRAZY and inconsolable! I just kept asking my parents what do I do? Were we like this when we were little? Of course their response was yes and they weren't sure how to get this little fighter calmed down. So finally I had to break down and be kinda terrible and give him just a little bit of Benadryl. I have never done that or thought I would do that, but he was about to hurt himself if something didn't happen quick! Well after a slap in the face from him, a hard one, me crying, and my dad discovering Landon has a great right hook, he started to calm down. This was about 9:40 at this point! We sang primary songs and finally got him to sleep! Thank Heavens!!! I don't know what I would have done without my parents, they are so amazing! Does anyone out there have any advice on great bedtime tactics? I have tried so many different things, and have yet to find the one that works! I love Suppernanny, but that's just not working! I am in desperate need quickly too, cause our little girl will be here before we know it! Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!!
Standing as A Witness
5 years ago
Oh no, NOT fun!! I don't know what to tell you, we had to give Makenzie benadryl for many many months. It was because of her exzema, she would scratch in her sleep and wake up screaming and bloody! She wouldn't sleep more than 2 hrs at a time, so the doctor told me to do this, it totally helped! But I will admit, I have given it to Zadi too and she doesn't have exzema.. that was just to get her to sleep through the night! So don't feel too bad, we all do it at one point. I used to lock Kylee in her room and she would scream until she fell asleep. Hopefully you can find something that works for you guys soon! Good luck! Oh yeah, tag your it! :)
umm so i know u said he was be a little devil, but look at how cute he is in that little towel! lol! cant wait to see u guys a a couple weeks!
What a stud he is! Landon really does look just like Chris!
My goodness, I'm SO glad someone can relate!! Last night was THAT night for me! Brian wasn't home, and it was ELEVEN PM by the time little Payton FINALLY fell asleep. (she goes to bed at 7:30) I was about to die. Tonight...much better....only took her ONE hour in stead of 3.5. I heard your currently HAVING A BABY!! congrats!
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