Avenlie Mae Ward was born February 23, 2008 at 4:29 am weighing 7 lbs. 3 oz., 19 1/4 inches! She made her arrival quickly, and without time for Mom to get drugs! She is beautiful and was worth every minute of the natural labor! We love her cute, kissy cheeks, tiny toes & fingers and the sweet little squeaks she keeps making! We will keep you posted as the day goes on!
Standing as A Witness
5 years ago
Thank you for updating! We were dying over here in far away cold Utah! We can't wait to hold Avenlie! She is precious! Love, love, love you all!
SHe is SO cute!!! Crystal (brian's sister) had hers with no drugs also! I was there and the baby just popped on out and she never even seemed in pain! WAY to go!!!
Congrat Stef!! She is a darling newborn! And no drugs!!?? Crazy! You look great too for just having her! Congrats again, to the whole family!
Hey Bro,nice Lil Family cute Baby Grl. GOD BLESS YA GUYS!!!
Glad u made it on time
Congrats Steph!!! She is beautiful! Girls are too much fun. Call me sometime.
p.s. Love the name!
She is soooo cute!!! Congrats!! We are so excited for you. I need to get some hair bows made for that little baldy!! wink!!! Congrats!!!!
You are so lucky to have such a fast labor. She is worth it either way!
Congratulations!!! That is soo fun, hope you are resting up and feeling better!! SHe is soo cute!! I'm soo excited for you guys!
Congrats on your new baby girl, she is totally beautiful and perfect, just as expected. By the way, I have never given birth but I still give you props for the natural birth. WOW! What a champ! She looks worth it!
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