Tuesday, July 28, 2009

LaNdOn & WaTeRiNg

I just bought Landon this new shirt at Target, my fav place, and boy was he excited!!! All morning he was begging me to get him dressed so he could wear his Rockinrolla shirt! He kept saying "Mommy I'm a SuPeRsTaR! I've got my Rockinrolla shirt on!" Too cute!
Oh the sWeEt life of SuMmEr!!! One of Landon's favorite things to do at night is to go out and help Poppi and Nana Water! He is a big helper and has so much fun! I just thought this was a sweet moment and night between the 2 of them! How lucky are they to live with their Poppi and Nana right now!

My sweet little 3 1/2 yr old! We had such a fun day together! I decided to be carefree and not worry about messes or getting lots done today. It made for a good day! We went to Costco for lunch and a little shopping. Landon's favorite! Did some reading, watched cartoons, and played on the slip-n-slide! I LOVE this little boy to pieces!

1 comment:

Hillary said...

The picture of you and Landon is to cute!!! Love you guys!