Sunday, August 9, 2009

Wanna Come to My PaRtY!!!!

So LaNdOn'S new thing is throwing parties. He is always saying "Hey Mom, Wanna come to my party?" So we have had a few parties now and we have LoTs oF FuN!
We got home from church today and the kids ran off to play, I sat down and was chatting with my dad and didn't hear to much! Huh, usually not a good thing! Well Landon came in and asked if I wanted to come to his "BoOk PaRtY"? So a few minutes later I went and this is what I found! Landon and Avie had taken almost every book off the shelf!!! Oh well, cute photos! So the party actually consisted of a little reading and a lot of ClEaNiNg Up!

LaNdO's Sunday BoOk PaRtY

LaNdOn'S !st Party!!! He Throws a gOoD OnE! DaNcInG
Avie aTtEmPtInG a SoMmErSaUlT
PoPpIn ChEeKs

LaNdO's FuNkY MoVeS
The MiLk was FlOwInG!!!

We GoT A lItTlE CrAzY

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